The What’s What, Volume 82

I got a $20 PSN card in my stocking, what do I get?  -Nucleusandthem

You get another dollar and buy Flower and Battlefield 1942. Yes, they charge sales tax, which always struck me as unfair. If you only get one, get Flower.  It’s like playing art.

I rage out when people shit on “Funny People”.  It was a great drama, and people can’t get over the fact that Apatow can write a decent drama movie.  It wasn’t supposed to be a comedy.  It’s a FUCKING DRAMA! -Panthertopdog

I blame the studios for marketing it as a comedy.  The studio knew it was a drama and marketed it as an Apatow comedy to make bank by concentrating on the casting of Adam Sandler, Seth Rogan, and that it was written by Judd Apatow.  The fact that it was called “Funny People” gives a touch of blame to Apatow.   But seriously, how can you blame people for going to a Judd Apatow movie called “Funny People” and expecting a comedy?  You can’t.  You CAN NOT.

From CNN’s Year in Review: Even celebrity pitch personalities weren’t immune as 2009 also saw the passing of Oxiclean pitchman Billy Mays and Gidget, the chihuahua best known for hawking Taco Bell. How about a little more respect for Billy Mays? -Ludermenn7

More importantly, “weren’t immune”?  Weren’t immune from death?  Really?  Did commercial endorsers have mystical immortality powers in 2008?  What the hell, CNN?  Pointing out the fact that your job has to adhere to the natural laws of biology is hardly a respectful eulogy.

Brittany Murphy was taking  medications including Topamax (anti-seizure meds also to prevent migraines), Methylprednisolone (anti-inflammatory), Fluoxetine (depression med), Klonopin (anxiety med), Carbamazepine (treats Diabetic symptoms and is also a bipolar med), Ativan (anxiety med), Vicoprofen (pain reliever), Propranolol (hypertension, used to prevent heart attacks), Biaxin (antibiotic), Hydrocodone (pain med) and miscellaneous vitamins.  The doctor responsible should be charged for this. And be jailed.  -TrolloverGrimace

I don’t blame the Doctor. I blame the idiot who feels the need to take that much medication. My guess is she asked for all that. I know Doctors that will write me a prescription for whatever I ask for. Not once have these Doctors said to me “You look like you could really use some HydroCodone”.   She had been self-diagnosing herself and apparently taking pills prescribed for other people. How was she “really sick”?  How was her doctor supposed to know which interactions are dangerous when she is taking pills prescribed for other people?   Why is this junkie any different? Because shes famous? You liked her movies? No one cares.

How do you make money in San Andreas? These missions only give me rep. I’ve managed buy one new safe house due to killing those Ballas and taking their money. -Burrito_Alien

Horse racing, hands down.  Each horse has a 20% chance of winning or 5:1 odds, but many odds of the horses are 10:1, 12:1, or 15:1. Just keep betting on long-shots and eventually you’ll make out.  It’s like you are the house.

Describe the first porno you ever saw.Latticegrid

It was entitled: Back Rent. Some Arnold Swarzenegger body double is playing a landlord, and collects rent from broke women who offer themselves in exchange. One of them was way too cute and innocent to be in this porno and he concentrates mostly on her and does unspeakable things to her while the other girls look bored. That wasn’t part of the plot, it’s just how it went.

People who bring up championships/rings when comparing two players in a team sport need to be killed.  That argument only works for non-team sports i.e. Golf, Tennis, etc. -Ic3m4n7

I agree with you for the most part, but I think you have to include NFL QB’s, NHL Goalies and maybe MLB Starting Pitchers for championship victories earned as personal achievements.

Verizon trolled AT&T so hard with the 3G map thing.  AT&T is really butthurt over it.-IssHowIDo

From someone who loves Sprint, it really seems like Verizon is fisting AT&T over the whole map fight. AT&T gets a celebrity to tell you what’s up, but he goes off on things that aren’t even related to the argument.   And Verizons commercials get funnier and own harder every time they run one. Like the iPhone on the island of misfit toys.   AT&T looks like a sad, drunk, desperate bitch over this whole thing.

Skip Bayless just said Wes Welker is the one that draws double teams. -Hogsfan206

Didn’t Welker get his 100 reception in like Week 11 after missing 2 games?  Crappiest double team defenses ever.

There was no year 0, the decade ends next year, the millennium ended in 2001, your mind is now blown-MarciaLaw

Not blown yet.  Allow me to bring up the scientific facts that the Earth is rotating  slower and revolving closer to the sun every second, and you’ll infer that days are getting longer while the years are getting shorter, somehow.  And then you can realize that time is a short term esoteric concept anyway, and that’s when your head gets blown.

The Whats What, Volume 11 (GTA IV special)

No planes in GTA IV.  We’ve been grounded – Todd_Easter

Yeah, I was disappointed when I heard this too.  But now that I play, Im not missing it all that much.  Would the game be enhanced with planes and parachutes?  Yes.  Am I playing happily without thinking about the missing planes and parachutes?  Yes.

I enjoyed all the empty space San Andreas had. It was a nice break from the Urban Environments. Nothing like driving in the desert as the sun set, while listening to Free Bird.  Some of the Desert and even the mountain/forest area were just cool to cruise through. Made it actually feel like it was a real world. -blading2001

I couldnt agree more.  Completely disheartening to know that enough chuckleheads needed constant action to whine about ruined my ideal of fun.  If you were out in the middle of nowhere and smashed your ride, YOU SHOULDNT HAVE SMASHED YOUR RIDE, ASSHOLE.

I still remember my most guilty pleasure from GTA3 I would use a cheat where all peds had weapons and they were also hostile then i would just sit back or drive around and watch the carnage i still remember when this one chick in a skirt wasted a cop car driving by with a rocket launcher -shyguy5454

I liked gambling on horses.  Still do, in fact.  I also suggest filling a bus with gang members and driving it off Mount Chiliad. They scream like little girls one by one as they get off the bus into a free fall.  Hilarious.

What’s your favorite radio station?  – Kyoot_Hilly

My stats claim Journey as my favorite radio station.  I listen to Radio Broker, The Jazz Stations (Fusion particularly) and Journey.  Journey gets a bad rap, but I think its great driving music.  It doesn’t drown out the sound effects and the voices of NPC’s.   Also, if you are in a cab and change the station, the way Niko asks is great;  “uhhhh, I don;t want to be trouble, but can we listen to something else, my friend?  I WANT to HEAR Juuuuurrrrrney.”

Which version are you getting?  I don’t care DLC because Im sure all versions will have some sort of exclusive downloadable stuff in the future. – HazzardUSS

Though the XBox Achievements looks pretty cool, I decided to run with a PS3 for a few reasons.  Blue Ray DVD player for my new 52″ Flat screen, the friends I want to play with have PS3. (Save one important exception whos lady friend thought systems were the same and got him an XBox.  Hes not unhappy though, we’re not Sony Fanboys or anything) im familiar with the controller, and I am pretty interested in PSHome to drop round Christmas.

Detailed chronology of your plans for 4/29/08.  Go.  – the_future420

8a-5pm = work
5-5:05 = 2 bonghits
5:05-6pm = Around the Horn and PTI
6pm-7pm = Dinner (Homemade Chinese food)
7pm-11pm = Nap
11-11:30 = more bonghits
11:30-Mid = BlockBuster for game
12:15am-8pm Tuesday- GTA:IV and bonghits

I took Tuesday off of work to play the game all day.  Also, I pre-ordered the game at BlockBuster.   I showed up 10 minutes before midnight.  Was first in line.  Meanwhile Gamestop, less than 800 yards away had a line of at least 100 people.  A lot of stores re-opened at midnight, yet all I heard about was Gamestop, like the game was better from there or something.  I even got a free picture frame with Nikos picture inside.

New driving, Buy or Sell? cause it seams like the diving gets knocked the most and IMO the driving is great and much improved over past Gtas -jewbacca32

Ill be honest, I was worried it had ruined the game at first.  Now, I legitimately enjoy the challenge.  Its better than SA for sure.  Makes racing on-line fun, also.  And it is the main reason I now consider GTA no longer a game, but a simulator to avoid police capture.  Combine realistic driving with better cop AI, factor in the tactics you need to use to lose the cops, and this is no longer a game in my eyes.  BUY.

It is absolutely incredible.  I mean .. It’s so amazing that I took a cab to my next mission, it was like an 8 minute ride, and I didn’t rush the cab driver (thats an option). I just stared out the window and appreciated a living, breathing city.  Sorry, but just had to get it out there.  -Albino_Ferret

Taxis are great, they let me get to your destination in the amount of time I desire, with no hassle from the cops, while I learn about the city as I’m packing my bong!  Romans cab service is better even, because the poor guy astutely ridicules you for the entire trip!

For us Eastern European guys, GTA IV is heaven Finally a game we can relate too.. seeing the Albanian mob in the game is awesome!  San Andreas sucked balls.. worst theme ever -Negativiteen

In GTA 4, Game plays you!  Finally, a poster of someone other than Vlade Divac on Serbian bedroom walls everywhere.  Congrats to all of you.

The TV shows in GTA IV are amazingly funny. Such creativity, you can actually sit there and watch them for a long period of time haha. -Babedlam

Republican Space Rangers, for the win.  When they shot the tentacle off the purple octopus with the light bulb on his head offering  peace, I almost fell out of my chair. My friends and I have a controller rotation going. I get three mission attempts, safe house to save, watch TV while we all take a bong hit, hand the controller to the next man for his three missions.  The TV keeps us all well entertained.

GTA4: Brucie or Patrick. I can’t decide Which character do you like more?  -Orangepeel

Brucie is irritating.  Packie seems to run things effeciently, plus I feel like I am part of his family and he’ll never turn on me.  Patrick, in a landslide.

Do you stop and pay the tolls in GTA4? I did at first, now I just haul ass and outrun my wanted level. Eat that toll booth guy!! -OKSteerChalupa

Yeah, Im embarrassed to admit that I do.
I like squeezing to the front of the line and honking at the bastard standing at the open gate.

What’s your PS3 multiplayer name? -Nizbart

Metacognitionist.  Feel free to add me to your friends list, anyone.

Stay well in Liberty City, all!