The What’s What, Volume 81

I hung out with this awesome girl and I’m really into her.   I knew she was a waitress, but then I found out she works at Hooters.  I can’t tell if I am more or less attracted to her now.  It varies from minute to minute. -rfaf4413

It’s less for me, personally. Flirting with desperate dudes for money seems just as desperate as the guys who are there to make themselves feel better.  But hey, maybe all of her awesome qualities outweigh this one unfortunate thing.  She’s not going to be a Hooters waitress forever.  Unless they open up a “Cougars”, I’d let it slide for a bit to see where the relationship is headed.

Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo.  Bitch fell in a well.  lol. -NicelegsDanny

I really hate it when people give nonsensical terms credence.   Oh wow, the author made a bunch of made up syllables rhyme. What a literary genius.   You know whats tougher to do then that? Everything. Up yours, Kipling.

My ex just sent me a text, “Hey, just wanted to see how you are doing” We broke up 3 months ago.  You tell me what to reply to her. -limitlessorgasm

Anything but “Good thanks, who is this?” confirms that you still have her number in your cell or remember her number by heart.    When you delete the name from the contact list, the number just shows up. Tell her it didn’t look familiar. It’s really your best option. Allows you to be pleasant while proving you have moved on.  Even if you do remember her number doesn’t mean that it’s a good idea to let her know that.

Also, it seems kind of an asshole move on her part to phrase her question like that.  Kind of infers that she is worried about how you could possibly be coping with the loss of her .  Stick it to her pleasantly.  Let her know it wasn’t that big a deal, even if it was.


I love my comfy sweater!  I love my comfy sweater!

anyone who watches football all day on sunday either has a small dick or is a lesbian -Despotential

My friends and I take our football seriously. Theres usually two serious meals involved, and a handful of gambling. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel the need to justify my Sundays to you, or anything.   During the offseason Sundays my wife and I, and whoever else wants to, go Geocaching all day.  And I don’t care for your opinion on that, either.  I hope you enjoy your Sundays, whatever you are up to.

Obama might be a one-term President. Obama has lost a most of the Democrats’ respect because he campaigned from the left and is now governing from the center. He has gained none of the Republicans’ respect because he isn’t conservative enough. A handful of moderates are really the only stronghold he has left. -bmaherforsenator

I agree totally. Hes trying to hard to be bipartisan with a group of Republicans that want nothing to do with it. Just makes him look weak.   If the Republicans can find someone whos NOT a laughingstock (ie Palin, Jindal, Cheney) then it’s pretty much theirs.  Congress is my main issue.  I perceive a lot of corruption in that industry, from both sides.

Scenario: Non-Nuclear WWIII breaks out on your home soil. What do you do? -SunshineAssociation

I’d be an insurgent.   Shaking hands with the invading armies, waving their flags, welcoming them to the country, wearing my suit every day to work. “Yay! Thanks for toppling our corrupt government!  I love Lo Mein!” .  And killing one soldier a day, quietly.

When you wipe your butthole, do you tend to smell your fingers afterwards? -Nickelwise

Why in the hell would I do that?  If the toilet paper does its job, there should be nothing to smell.  If it rips or something, I think I’d be wise to the fact that there’s a smear of food canoe on my hand that doesn’t need to be confirmed aromatically.

From a parent’s perspective, what would be the most haunting day for their child to die? The kid’s birthday?  Mothers Day?  Holiday?  Parents birthday? -JeffreyWeinerslav

It’s not the kids birthday, that just stupid. The parents will already have that day to remember what happened. The kids birthday is already ruined as soon as the kid dies, no matter what day it’s on.  This would cut the pain in half, I would think.  Saving you from having to deal with the day the kid dies, also.   It would be Mothers Day/Fathers Day if it was the same every year, reminding you the failure of your parenting skills on the day that celebrates them. But it’s not the same day every year, so that is also no dice.  I’m gonna say the parents birthday. It pretty much ruins the day specifically aimed to celebrate you. That’s my thoughts, but I’m not  a parent yet. Nor do I hope to have experience of your question.

Have you ever been to a soup kitchen? -ChoosingJif

Yeah, all the time when I worked as a a cook. I used to drop off all the leftover meals.   A couple times a year we would all volunteer as cooks also. Fooled around with a few cute hippie girls that way.