The What’s What, Volume 82

I got a $20 PSN card in my stocking, what do I get?  -Nucleusandthem

You get another dollar and buy Flower and Battlefield 1942. Yes, they charge sales tax, which always struck me as unfair. If you only get one, get Flower.  It’s like playing art.

I rage out when people shit on “Funny People”.  It was a great drama, and people can’t get over the fact that Apatow can write a decent drama movie.  It wasn’t supposed to be a comedy.  It’s a FUCKING DRAMA! -Panthertopdog

I blame the studios for marketing it as a comedy.  The studio knew it was a drama and marketed it as an Apatow comedy to make bank by concentrating on the casting of Adam Sandler, Seth Rogan, and that it was written by Judd Apatow.  The fact that it was called “Funny People” gives a touch of blame to Apatow.   But seriously, how can you blame people for going to a Judd Apatow movie called “Funny People” and expecting a comedy?  You can’t.  You CAN NOT.

From CNN’s Year in Review: Even celebrity pitch personalities weren’t immune as 2009 also saw the passing of Oxiclean pitchman Billy Mays and Gidget, the chihuahua best known for hawking Taco Bell. How about a little more respect for Billy Mays? -Ludermenn7

More importantly, “weren’t immune”?  Weren’t immune from death?  Really?  Did commercial endorsers have mystical immortality powers in 2008?  What the hell, CNN?  Pointing out the fact that your job has to adhere to the natural laws of biology is hardly a respectful eulogy.

Brittany Murphy was taking  medications including Topamax (anti-seizure meds also to prevent migraines), Methylprednisolone (anti-inflammatory), Fluoxetine (depression med), Klonopin (anxiety med), Carbamazepine (treats Diabetic symptoms and is also a bipolar med), Ativan (anxiety med), Vicoprofen (pain reliever), Propranolol (hypertension, used to prevent heart attacks), Biaxin (antibiotic), Hydrocodone (pain med) and miscellaneous vitamins.  The doctor responsible should be charged for this. And be jailed.  -TrolloverGrimace

I don’t blame the Doctor. I blame the idiot who feels the need to take that much medication. My guess is she asked for all that. I know Doctors that will write me a prescription for whatever I ask for. Not once have these Doctors said to me “You look like you could really use some HydroCodone”.   She had been self-diagnosing herself and apparently taking pills prescribed for other people. How was she “really sick”?  How was her doctor supposed to know which interactions are dangerous when she is taking pills prescribed for other people?   Why is this junkie any different? Because shes famous? You liked her movies? No one cares.

How do you make money in San Andreas? These missions only give me rep. I’ve managed buy one new safe house due to killing those Ballas and taking their money. -Burrito_Alien

Horse racing, hands down.  Each horse has a 20% chance of winning or 5:1 odds, but many odds of the horses are 10:1, 12:1, or 15:1. Just keep betting on long-shots and eventually you’ll make out.  It’s like you are the house.

Describe the first porno you ever saw.Latticegrid

It was entitled: Back Rent. Some Arnold Swarzenegger body double is playing a landlord, and collects rent from broke women who offer themselves in exchange. One of them was way too cute and innocent to be in this porno and he concentrates mostly on her and does unspeakable things to her while the other girls look bored. That wasn’t part of the plot, it’s just how it went.

People who bring up championships/rings when comparing two players in a team sport need to be killed.  That argument only works for non-team sports i.e. Golf, Tennis, etc. -Ic3m4n7

I agree with you for the most part, but I think you have to include NFL QB’s, NHL Goalies and maybe MLB Starting Pitchers for championship victories earned as personal achievements.

Verizon trolled AT&T so hard with the 3G map thing.  AT&T is really butthurt over it.-IssHowIDo

From someone who loves Sprint, it really seems like Verizon is fisting AT&T over the whole map fight. AT&T gets a celebrity to tell you what’s up, but he goes off on things that aren’t even related to the argument.   And Verizons commercials get funnier and own harder every time they run one. Like the iPhone on the island of misfit toys.   AT&T looks like a sad, drunk, desperate bitch over this whole thing.

Skip Bayless just said Wes Welker is the one that draws double teams. -Hogsfan206

Didn’t Welker get his 100 reception in like Week 11 after missing 2 games?  Crappiest double team defenses ever.

There was no year 0, the decade ends next year, the millennium ended in 2001, your mind is now blown-MarciaLaw

Not blown yet.  Allow me to bring up the scientific facts that the Earth is rotating  slower and revolving closer to the sun every second, and you’ll infer that days are getting longer while the years are getting shorter, somehow.  And then you can realize that time is a short term esoteric concept anyway, and that’s when your head gets blown.