The What’s What, Volume 59

Name an actor whom you think doesn’t get enough credit.  -MazzelToff

Tim Robbins had the greatest acting year in history for me, in 1994.  He went from Norville Barnes In the Hudsucker Proxy to Andy Dufresne in Shawshank Redemption, in a matter of months.  They’re completely opposite roles and he owned them both. Two of my favorite movies, all time.  He might not be underrated, but the difference in these two roles is understated. What a champ.

“Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett’s death is the saddest thing since 9/11” -Chad “OchoCinco” Johnson – Large_Soprano

There’s a difference between “We will never forget.” and “We never really gave a shit to begin with.”

Why has MJ’s death gotten more media attention then Lucille Ball? Lucille Ball was a legend, obviously. She changed television. Her death in 1989 got HUGE media attention around the world, and with MJ’s death I find that her death is the most recent resemblance to it in terms of how large it had an impact on everyone.   People(myself included) have said this is the biggest celebrity death since Elvis, but we can’t forget about Lucille Ball and what she did to television. I mean come on, I love Lucy has been on television for 58 years. Not a lot of shows can say that. Not to mention all the other countless amount of things she did in her career. -andrewtxranger

The facts are clear.  LB did 7 seasons of a TV show, without one writing or producing credit, during the genesis of the medium when no one had anything else better to do.  By “countless amount of things” , you must be referring to the math issue of counting to zero, because she did nothing after the show.

Michael Jackson transformed a medium that has existed before language, let alone his birth. She did not, however, redefine television, a medium that was barely existent at that time. You really don’t think that any other actress could have said the lines, done some fake crying/whining and become a household name, when there was no competition for her? Sure, the show was new and fresh, but so was TV and she didn’t have anything to do with it, the writers and producers did.

She was an actress, plain and simple. You cannot have an argument for her being a creative genius, where as its difficult to formulate an argument that Michael Jackson was NOT a creative genius.

Intelligence is defined by your, knowledge, experience, wisdom, and I’ll throw in works. NOT by what you have faith in.  Knowledge being knowledge obtained through studies and wisdom being knowledge obtained through age and experiences. -ssmbtbt

Having faith in something with no other quantifying basis is pretty much, BY DEFINITION, the direct opposite of wisdom.

I have never understood why Adolf Hitler had his German Shepherd killed… Yeah,the Russians had Berlin surrounded and some say that Hitler did not want Blondi to fall into enemy hands but he also used her to test the effects of cyanide.-Kanemark88

Do Germans just call them “Shepherds”?

Ever walk out on the bill at a restaurant?  The old “dine and ditch”? – SF49er49

Once. I was on a second date with a girl and we waited for like 15 minutes at the checkout to pay. No one came and she said “Let’s just go.” So, we did. They were dead. There is no way we should have waited two minutes, let alone 15.

As you know when Favre left the Packers he retired. He then became a Jets quarterback and did well for about half of the season and then retired again. Now talks heat up that he’s going to be a Viking.   Why can’t this guy just retire?  He’s destroying his legacy. -drunkcookies

I believe Brett Favre when he says the Packers asked him to retire.   The only people who are allowed to complain should be Packers fans, and it should be aimed at the management, and not Brett Favre.

If you live in Los Angeles and don’t listen to Loveline, you’re doing it wrong. -HelaKenX

It’s syndicated here in Albany, NY. But, Dr Drew is a fucking clown shoe.   His advice is so antiquated. I’m often surprised he never offers blood letting as a treatment.

The man who murdered your spouse and kids has been sentenced to death. Do you witness his execution in person or not? -FlexusInstruments

I fight for life in prison without parole, and give the maximum allotted amount of goods to people that will make his life a hell until he chooses to commit suicide. Beatings, ass raping, I buy it all for cigarettes and food, and then I visit him to be sure he knows its my financing thats doing this to him.

A Virgin Should Lose Their Virginity To Another Virgin -DrOpinion

I totally agree. It makes that one specific event more historic and memorable if both are new to it. Its mostly instinct anyway.  I equate it to playing a video game for the first time against someone who is experienced. It’s going to lopsided and uncomfortable late, and even though one is a victor, they’re both pretty unsatisfied.

Short people want the word “midget” banned from TV. – Urban_Apostle

This, I don’t get. It’s not like “midget” was a term used to bring down little people. It was just another word for little people, that they decided to get offended over. It’s not like a racial slur at all which were invented as insults.   Shut up, little people. Big People are only using it it hurt you now, because you react this way.

reincarnation: do you believe in it?-EdgeMaki

I do. Furthermore, I believe the skills we develop in our life carry over as instincts and is the basis for evolution.

The What’s What, Volume 56

Convince me that God does not exist. -uninteresting_thoughts

No one can convince you. You can only accept it.

My friend smoked weed for the first time and threw up about 10 times very loudly in the bathroom.  I can see now why some people don’t like it. -TheMichiganKid

Which makes no sense since they give it to cancer patients to stimulate appetite and reduce nausea. I wager your friend was either ridiculously nervous and anxious which led to the Technicolor yawn, or he was drunk also.  Maybe he ate too many munchies?

Illegals? Love em or hate em? -Demi-Gurl

Love them. It’s not their fault Americans aren’t charging them taxes. They are exploiting a systems weaknesses, if we don’t choose to fix the system, I feel like we don’t get the right to complain.  Kind of like the bailouts. I don’t blame the banks for exploiting poor regulation. I blame the government for allowing it to happen in the first place.  The government thought banks would police themselves. I can’t even begin to explain how hilarious I find that situation.

what do or would your parents think of your blog?  let us already acknowledge that you don’t care what they think… -stella

I do care what they think.  The more likely turnout is that they wouldn’t care what I think.  The blog is public, and they aren’t reading it, from what I understand.  I wager my Dad would be upset that the first dozen sexual experiences in my life (either inappropriate or welcomed) were directly related to the church, its clergy, its parishioners, or church functions.  Either that, or he’d be upset at just how vocally agnostic I am.  My Mom, however, is lucky if she knows where the power button is.  This is the same woman who said to me once “Crack/Pot, Whats the difference?”  after finding a bong.  So, yeah, she seems to be an unlikely reader.

So it seems the newest fad is sliders…Burger King, Friday’s, Red Robin. They really are getting on that bus.  -LineThreeleven

I don’t like how everyone calls them sliders. I think White Castle should have copywright to that name.

You are stuck on a deserted island. With you are two people. One is an extremely ugly woman. She is morbidly obese and has terrible acne. The other is a transvestite. She looks like are really hot female, only, she has male genitalia. Chances are you wouldn’t have been able to guess that she used to be a man.  You are here forever, so no-one would ever know.  Who do you bang? -MaizenBloo

The actual woman.  Chances after after starving herself for a month or two, she’ll look pretty hot after she loses that weight. Nothing but hard work, sun, and burning calories on a deserted island. That’s if she doesnt eat me first.

I want to date this girl, but she smokes cigs. shes pretty cute, pretty smart, a democrat, an atheist, and listens to indie This year I hung out with her every morning before school Should I go for it? I’m not a fan of cigs. They taste like shit and smell bad too. -localnewsteam

You should tell her the only thing holding you back from ravaging her is that she smokes. How will she be able to live with herself knowing that she could have had you if only she quit smoking?  Getting her to change who she is is a big part of any healthy relationship. Just be sure that YOU get what YOU want.

how famous is Ricky Gervais in America? he’s huge in England and i was just wondering how high his rep is in the US -gamingdiety

Extras made me a fan.  I think any American interested in the comedy scene knows who he is.  As far as writers/creators of TV shows go, he’s pretty famous.

So how the hell was David Carradine supposed to jack off if his hands were tied? -SubwayJared

That’s what the underage hooker was for. You think he flew to Asia to masturbate? Really?

when someone is super-defensive about their drug use habits, that constitutes a drug problem.  You deny you have a problem. See where I am going with this? -Superdickery

Way to cling to antiquated consideration, Dr Drew.  If I accuse you of being a terrorist and you deny it, because you are not a terrorist, this somehow makes you a terrorist?  Denial is a social reaction, not a symptom.

Did you end up picking up Trash Panic? -ProfessionalCrastination

I bought it. It’s crazy ridiculously difficult.  The lack of a tutorial really doesn’t help the situation.  I’m pretty disappointed.

lol, tim donaghy getting beat up in jail -CMackVA

Wow, someone who turned on the mob gets assaulted in jail. This is the first time that’s ever happened.