The What’s What, Volume 38

I love it when people hate on U2. My usual reply of “I dont know what your problem is, they are fucking amazing. End of story.” People only seem to get pissed off more. -Anzerohero

People aren’t getting pissed because you are right, they are pissed because your argument is worthless.  Do people really believe they are better than others for liking a certain band or something?  As for U2, They pretty much fell off my radar after the “Fly Eye” business of the mid 90s. Ill take Joshua tree, for the win, though.

Do you wear tank tops under your shirt? -BishF_In

My wife bought some for me when we redid my wardrobe when I left kitchen work. I was against wearing them because of the stereotypes, but they are very comfortable.

Please use the power of your blog to get 3D  Doritos back on store shelves, please. -VTSepratist

You’re lazy.  Just stick 3 together with EZ Cheese.  Problem solved.

I know you are’;t supposed to take everything from the Bible literally, but what could this possibly mean? Ezekiel204:12 Eat the food as you would a barley cake; bake it in the sight of the people, using human excrement for fuel.” 13 The LORD said, “In this way the people of Israel will eat defiled food among the nations where I will drive them.” -Don_Heckles

I have no idea, I do remember going to a sedar at my Jewish friends house, and them serving shitloaf, but didn’t think much of it.  I preferred the challah bread.

Do you still read the newspaper? -Dimsatchel10

“Oh you know. I read several. All of them. All of the ones that are put in front of me.”  Thus ends my Sarah Palin impression.

Be honest, do you actually consider women’s tennis as a sport? -MVPenis_2

I prefer womens tennis to mens, actually. I like the volleying and strategy. Mens tennis is all about blasting the ball by the other guy, which is cool too, but I find less fun to watch.

Damnit, the ESPN Streak for Cash thing is going to give me a heart attack. I’m only at 4 wins at the moment, and I’m already stressing over games. -Belchoir66

I had two streaks of 11 before Christmas. You know you can play the home game? Try and call 27 consecutive coin flips. That’s all you are really doing here.

How do you feel about labor unions? -Gunthar99

A lot of the times I find unions just as corrupt as the people they are supposed to be protecting their workers from. This leads to workers ultimately getting screwed twice. When they are done right, I favor unions and think they should have as much government oversight and regulations as the coorperations.

People that call a DWI a dee-wee…..Need to have battery acid poured into their taints for sterilization purposes. -Charles_FF9

That makes it sound much more cute than “Manslaughter Roulette”.

I made a vow to myself today, I don’t care what anyone thinks or does, but there is a girl I can’t get out of my head it may be puppy love, what ever, but I promise you and myself that some day, somewhere I will be with this girl, I guarantee it, it will happen. -T_and_PShow

Never has rape sounded more romantic.

The Vince Lombardi trophy is one of the least inspiring trophies I have ever seen. It’s a molded piece of metal with writing etched into it. That’s inspiring? -Luna_Tick

So you’re pretty much shitting on all art, then? Sculptures are just molded metal, paintings are just paper and paint splashed around, right? I agree, it’s not the greatest trophy, but it has a lot of history.

Why do people who lose fights they started come back the next day and shoot the other person? -Phelonnie

Because if they won the fight and then shot the guy, that would seem excessive.